The Brent School Partnership Parent Resource Portal
Dear Parents and Carers,
The Brent School Partnership has shared a Parent Resource Portal with Barham. In this Portal you will find a range of information and resources to help you to support your children’s learning and development. It is designed to provide easily accessible and succinctly presented information for parents in one place, with links to more detailed information to be found from government and other organisations’ websites. Information is presented in a variety of ways which include presentations, voice overs on text and PowerPoint presentations. In some sections there are Guides which can be down loaded and printed as a poster for easy reference. Where appropriate YouTube clips have been used to provide the information. The Portal has been developed by parents, education and legal professionals and community members with expertise in black history and culture.
Please click image below, to access the login page for the Brent School Parent Resource Portal. Log in details are given below:
Email address:
Your password: Barhamparentportal1!
Thank you,
Ms Giles