Swimming at Barham
It is a national recommendation that children are confident in water and able to swim 25 metres by the time they leave primary school. Swimming is a life skill that can lead to the
enjoyment of many sports, for example, diving, water polo, synchronised swimming and competitive swimming. If your child is unable to swim, please consider booking some
swimming lessons at your local pool. Vale Farm and Wembley Leisure Centre both offer reasonably priced children’s swimming lessons. Download Swimming presentation at the end of the page.
Swimming is a fun activity which can be done as a family. It is excellent exercise and has proven health benefits – it could also save your child’s life!Take your child swimming as often as possible so they feel confident in water – local pools include Vale Farm Sports
Swimming is a fun activity which can be done as a family. It is excellent exercise and has proven health benefits – it could also save your child’s life!Take your child swimming as often as possible so they feel confident in water – local pools include Vale Farm Sports
Centre (0208 908 0645), Wembley Leisure Centre (0203 7950620) and Gurnell Leisure Centre (0208 998 3241).
- One piece costume for Muslim girls that cover arms/legs; general one-piece girls costume.
- skin tight boys trunks (NO BAGGY SWIM SHORTS); swimming hats etc.
- Goggles are not necessary and parents have to provide consent for their child to wear goggles.
Can your child swim 25 meters or more? Please tell Barham so that your child can receive a special swimming commendation certificate.
- Local Swimming Pool: Vale Farm Sports Centre:
https://www.brent.gov.uk/valefarm - General Swimming Advice for Parents/Guardians:
https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/exercise/swimming-for-fitness/ - Swimming Health & Safety: