Forest School
Barham runs Forest School sessions for a number of year groups on a rotational basis. Each class will participate in Forest School for six weeks. The sessions run at Barham School in our Forest School site.
What is Forest School?
Forest School is a child centred, outdoor approach to learning which promotes the holistic development of children. It is an exciting opportunity for your child to experience nature and learn outdoors. At forest school, the children learn from first-hand experience and develop skills that will help them to make better progress when they are back in the classroom.
How will Forest School help my child? Forest School develops children’s…
What to bring on a Forest School day:
A warm waterproof coat • A spare long sleeved top and long trousers
A pair of wellies (rain boots)
Extra pairs of socks (wear 2 pairs on cold days)
In cold weather, gloves and a warm hat
School will provide waterproof trousers for children to wear over their own trousers in wet conditions.
What if it’s raining?
Forest school will be able to go ahead in almost all weathers as the children will be wearing clothes that will keep them warm and dry. If there are high winds, thunderstorms or extreme weather then the forest school leader will run an indoor session in school.
View some of our Forest School activities below
Year 1 toasting marshmallows and yummy smores. | Year 1 Making Christmas tree decorations. | Year 1 children made homes for hedgehogs to hibernate in. |
All groups made Christmas decorations to take home. | Nursery enjoy playing in muddy puddles after a big rain storm. | A Christmas tree decoration. |
We used natural materials to make pictures. | Making leaf kebabs with the Autumn leaves | Exploring some rolling conkers. |
Hammering nails into discs. | Some year 3 children used hammer and nails to make weaving discs. | Enjoying some Autumn leaves. |
Nursery have been exploring the Autumn leaves, making different sounds in nature and mud painting | ||
Reception 2 went on a mini beast hunt, using an identification sheet. |
Reception 2 also matched them with real mini beasts! |
Reception 1 and 2 learned how to make a fire and toasted marshmallows. |
Reception 2 went on an egg hunt and made nests from natural materials. |
Reception 1 sewed wild flower seeds onto our prepared meadow area. |
Reception 1 made their own forest medals.
Year 6 decorated pine cones to make mini Christmas Trees. | Year 6 mini Pine Cone Christmas Trees on display. |
All classes have been preparing an area of soil, ready for planting wildflower seeds in the Spring. |
Year 6 made Divas using air drying clay. | Reception 3 has been cutting up bread to feed the birds. | |
Reception 4 used blackberries to dye pieces of material to make tie-dye bunting. Some Year 6 children rinsed the pieces and prepared them for drying and hanging. | ||
Reception 4 threaded Autumn leaves to make mobiles. |
Year 6 drilled holes in conkers and threaded elder beads to make Autumn decorations. |
Year 6 created characters using Autumn materials. |