Computing Planning & Assessment
How Will Barham Deliver The New Computing Primary Curriculum?
We will be following the Knowsley Computing Scheme of Work. To ensure that we offer a balanced curriculum to our children, Digital Literacy will be split into two areas: Digital Creativity and Digital Citizenship & Technology. The map below shows the range of skills that will be required to meet the computing program of study.
We will be following the Knowsley Computing Scheme of Work. To ensure that we offer a balanced curriculum to our children, Digital Literacy will be split into two areas: Digital Creativity and Digital Citizenship & Technology. The map below shows the range of skills that will be required to meet the computing program of study.

Knowsley Computing Planning 2014-15 - KS1 and KS2
Note! The delivery of each project may be in a different order to what is shown below
Note! The delivery of each project may be in a different order to what is shown below

Note! We will be looking to further enhance our delivery of eSafety with other schemes, such as the SWGFL Digital Literacy Program.
As with the other subjects in the National Curriculum, the old system of levels has been abolished. By the end of each key stage, pupils are expected to know, apply and understand the matters, skills and processes specified in the relevant programme of study.” (DfE, 2013).
Progression in Computing will be assessed by using ‘I Can’ statements following the framework, Attainment in Computing, produced by Computing At School (CAS).
As with the other subjects in the National Curriculum, the old system of levels has been abolished. By the end of each key stage, pupils are expected to know, apply and understand the matters, skills and processes specified in the relevant programme of study.” (DfE, 2013).
Progression in Computing will be assessed by using ‘I Can’ statements following the framework, Attainment in Computing, produced by Computing At School (CAS).

Learn more about The New Primary Computing Curriclum. You can also view the Teacher Computing INSET Presentation.