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Barham Primary School

Embedding Excellence

Barham Primary School

Embedding Excellence

eSafety Links Key Stage 1

ESafety Links - Early Years and KS1


Cbeebies; Little animals activity centre 


PB Bear (LGfL) 

Magic School (LGfL) 

Busythings - LGfL (Login required when not connected to the LGfL) 

I-board early years activities - LGFL (Login required when not connected to the LGfL) 

Link to Literacy Framework: Listen to web based media e.g. use on-line audio library – LGfL Audio network 

BBC podcasts e.g. Bob the builder 

2Simulate – ‘Getting locked-in’ scenario activity. common sense – going places safely activity1 

Postman Pat card writing activity 

Year 1 

When investigating for history topic i.e. old toys compare 2 sites as a class using BBC site or American toy seller site and identify which gives us most useful information. 

Museum of Childhood 

RBKC lesson – safe surfing with Dongle (links to several lesson plans). 

Dongle activity introduces pupils to the SMART rules and personal AUP (acceptable use policy) KS1 Pupil agreement on the LGfL. Use the hand poster to reinforce key safety message. 

Use Dongle ‘BE SMART’SONG for Safer Internet Day assembly. 

MeOnline  (requires USO login) 

Twins party activity to select appropriate images. Lesson plan for twins activity 

Smartie the penguin story and resources from Kidsmart 

Common sense – abc searching activity 1 k-2 

Common sense - staying safe online activity 2 

RBKC lesson ‘email granny’ – how to write e mail suitable for granny – Bad example 

CEOP Thinkuknow resources: based on Hector’s World resources 

London MLE – Visual mail tool (requires USO login) 

Museum of Childhood (sending messages to the museum about toys and childhood) 

MeOnline – chatterbox activity to select inappropriate communications – Lesson plan for chatterbox 

Smartie the penguin story and resources from Kidsmart 

Common sense – sending e mail activity 1 

RBKC lesson - Digiduck’s dilemma – 

Year 2 

Children explore a given webpage or section on MLE to find information about a class topic, eg an Island home - interactive map Isle of Coll 

Children use the Barnaby Bear website to find out about his visits and how he travels, Where in the World is Barnaby Bear 

Children plan a trip using the i-board Barnaby Bear activities  (requires LGFL USO login) located in Geography, Year 2 Unit 5 – ‘where in the world is Barnaby Bear’ 

Flat Stanley Join in the project of Flat Stanley, sharing photographs, videos and podcasts of Flat Stanley around the world.

Teachers introduce spoof websites e.g. RBKC Red Tomato spider k-2 Common sense – sites I like activity 1 

Safe email system e.g. LMLE Visual mail, 2email, LGfL (Pupil) Londonmail, 

Where in the World is Barnaby Bear Yr2 Geography e mail Barnaby via the site 

Flat Stanley Join in the project of Flat Stanley, sharing photographs, videos and podcasts of Flat Stanley around the world. 

CEOP Thinkuknow resources - Hector’s World Lessons 1-5 

MeOnline  (requires LGFL USO login) – Jungle club activity to select appropriate name. 

sand pictures and understand safe communication online – lesson plan for Jungle club 

MLE, e.g. use discussion forum set up by school for a purpose such as School Council. 

Use Dongle ‘BE SMART’SONG for Safer Internet Day assembly. 

Net Smartz. E mail the cartoon characters  Activities to reinforce the SMART rules (AUP behaviours) so pupils see them in terms of personal and independent use such as KS1 Pupil agreement on the LGfL. Use the hand posterto reinforce key safety message 

Pupils decide who is telling the truth using the Cybersmart ‘Pic your friends’ activity 

Common sense – sending e mail activity 1 http://www.commonsensemedia. 

MeOnline  (requires LGFL USO login) – cooking up passwords activity to understand what makes a strong password – lesson plan for cooking up passwords 

LGfL JIT  (requires LGFL USO login) – ( 

CEOP Thinkuknow resources: based on Hector’s World resources: (requires LGFL USO login) Class pages or project areas on the school’s MLE. 

Children take part in the survey in MeOnline (requires LGFL USO login) 

LGFL Artisancam ‘Picture book maker’