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Barham Primary School

Embedding Excellence

Barham Primary School

Embedding Excellence

Pupil Survey 2019 - Year 6

Firstly, enter your class code below. Secondly, answer all the questions. Lastly, click the Submit button.

Y6 (1). Do you like being at this school?*
Y6 (2). Do you find out new things in lessons?*
Y6 (3). Are your lessons interesting and fun?*
Y6 (4). Do you get help when you are stuck?*
Y6 (5). Do you have to work hard?*
Y6 (6). Do your teachers show you how to make your work better?*
Y6 (7). Do other children behave well?*
Y6 (8). Are other children friendly?*
Y6 (9). If you were worried, is there an adult you could go to at school?*
Y6 (10). Are teachers fair to you?*
Y6 (11). Do teachers listen to your ideas?*
Y6 (12). Are you trusted to do things on your own?*